The photo below shows nine kings, at the funeral of King Edward VII, in 1910. Readers who are familiar Daniel’s interpretations of Bible prophecies, will be wondering if they are the same ten kings mentioned there.
Our theory is that the ten kings are still to come, in the near future! The ten kings, which are the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image, see Daniel 2:44, are still to come! The inheritors of the deposed thrones of the kings in the photo are all eagerly waiting to be restored.
The two most significant monarchs in 1911, as far as prophecy is concerned, were missing from that picture. The Tsar of Russia and the Kaiser of Austria, the modern Caesars, emperors, kings over other kings, Dan 2:37, of the legs of Neb’s image. They ruled over the ‘Holy Roman Empire’ and the ‘Third Rome’.
The toes on the image are formed on the feet at the end of the “times of the gentiles”, when the stone, the Lord Jesus, smashes the image on the feet. Jesus will be the ultimate emperor, King of kings and Lord of lords Rev 17:14; Rev 19:16. He will collect their crowns! Rev 19:12. He will conquer the ‘King of the North’ of Daniel 11:40-45, and will hold the Kings of the earth in derision, Psa 2:1-5.
Daniel’s interpretation of the King of Babylon's nightmare of the image, in Daniel 2, along with his vision of 4 beasts, in Daniel 7, was about “kingdoms”, with monarchs. Daniel said directly to the king (of kings) of Babylon ‘Thou art this head of gold’, Dan 2:38.
The shah of Persia was the silver. The brass kaisar was Alexander the Great’s kingdom, broken into the four kingdoms, famous today for the Ptolemaic Egyptian pharaoh kings and queens. The legs of the image were Roman “iron”. They had emperors called Caesars, Lev 26:19; Deut 28: 23-48.
The two empires which represented the Roman Empire, the remnants of the Holy Roman Empire and the Third Rome Russian Empire, fell at the end of WW1. Roman “iron” leg monarchies became feet, republics, which are “Roman” governments with people power, “clay”.
The toes of the image are also made of iron and clay, but are “kings”, Dan 2:44, hence constitutional monarchs, not autocrats, nor presidents, which will be restored by elected parliaments. They will be nominal heads, with power only for an “hour” with the Beast at the end, Rev 17:12.
These 10 toe kings on the image are the same horns on the 4th beast in Daniel’s prophecy, Dan 7:24, “the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings”. They are the same 10 horn kings on the ‘beast of the sea’ in Revelation, with its 7 heads and 10 horns, Rev 13:1.
In Revelation the kings are gathered to the battle of Armageddon, Rev 16:14.
They will start to “arise” at the end of the reign of that beast, when the Beast out of the Sea recovers from his deadly wound.
The Russian royal family, the Romanovs (their surname literally means ‘of the Romans’), was deposed in 1917, and the Tsar and his immediate family were executed in July 1918. But there are other Romanovs alive who are waiting for restoration of the monarchy.
The current crown prince of the Russian throne, Grand Duke Georgy Romanov, nicknamed ‘Gogi’ by his family, aged 39 yrs, is now living back in Moscow! He is related to most of the kings in the photo, being a direct descendant of the monarchs of Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, etc. He is even a direct descendant of Mohammed, yes the original one, through a Spanish princess which married Tsar Peter the Great of Russia. The Muslims are respectful of this lineage.
He is working full time as a representative of the Romanov family throughout Russia, and is heavily involved with the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian military. He also has connections with oligarchs and influential figures directly involved in the clandestine operations of the Kremlin, such as Konstantin Malofeyev and Leonid Reshetikov. They are both personally under US & EU sanctions. They wish to restore the monarchy in Russia, with Putin as either Tsar himself or as Prime Minister of a Romanov Tsar.
The Austrian Habsburg Kaiser, Karl II, who had sided with Germany in WWI, was exiled to Spain. His grandson, Karl von Habsburg, now lives in Salzburg, Austria. He was the first European royal to test positive for Covid-19, and has now recovered. Karl and his family have been hugely influential within the European Union and Roman Catholic Church. There were even requests from monarchists in Czech and Slovakia for him to be installed as president of the EU last year.
Other “pretenders” to thrones are actively lobbying and preparing for restoration of their monarchies.
Possible Western leg monarchs: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain (already restored, but there is another claimant, who is also a direct descendant of Franco). There are three pretenders to the throne of France, all three are in the national media and are seen by many as a viable alternative to an increasingly unpopular president.
Possible Eastern leg monarchs: Russia, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and even Poland.
The possibility of the restoration of 10 constitutional monarchies in Europe and Russia is actually quite feasible and is mentioned frequently in the media of these countries, in their languages, usually not English. Many have hired professionals to help raise their profiles, through social media accounts, public events and charitable works. In most cases their royal regalia, such as crowns and thrones, were not destroyed but have been preserved. The royal regalia’s of Russia and Austria are among the most spectacular in the world and are great tourist attractions in these countries.
The end of the monarchies at the end of WW1 was a momentous political upheaval, unforeseen by most journalists of the day. We hope the restoration of the 10 kings can be clearly seen as a major signpost to the imminent return of the ultimate King of Kings himself, the Lord Jesus Christ.